Half way home
Half way home | Kelly Vela
The latest update!
As you know, last year I photographed 1300 shelter animals, and this year I have set my goal to be 2600 shelter animals. I needed to get pretty close to my half way mark by June.
As of today, I have photographed in 82 days --- 1057 shelter animals! Woo hoo!
Thanks to all of you who have supported my shelter project! Thank you to my helpers/assistants/creative directors/animal wranglers! Thank you to shelter staff & rescue organizations who helped me get the animals lined up for photos.
I know 2600 is a big number for just one person, but I feel confident with the support of all of you, I am not alone and we can get it done by the end of the year!!
So, thank you again and let's go take some snapshots.
